
Altos e baixos

Hey, motherfucker, whats your point?
you will graduate and enter law school even if you're a jerk at school?
gonna get drunk every day in college, ask Daddy to give a bribe to the director of Yale and become a judge out-of-law?
When you complete 25 years old, you'll fuck a dumb blonde with a big chest of silicone and a giant butt with a jeans saying "sexy", and you'll tell your parents that this bitch is the love of your life. In the following year, you'll have two sons who actually are educated by their nanny. Because you're too busy betraying your dumb wife, and she is too busy going in all clinics in Beverly Hills, isn't it?
Congratulations, this is the life you always wanted.
That's why I call you a motherfucker.
Burn in hell.

Nirvana - In Bloom